PRESTATION : IECEx international certification
IECEx O4 Conformity Mark System

To be able to place the IECEx Conformity Mark on products or on packaging and promotional material the manufacturer need to sign a license of use and have a valid IECEx Certificate of Conformity issued in accordance with the IECEx System rules.
The rules of use of the mark are defined in the following documents:
- IECEx 04 - IECEx Conformity Mark Licensing System – Regulations
- IECEx 04A - Guidance for making Application for and Use of IECEx Conformity Mark
- Ex OD 022 - Rules and Procedures for the granting of Licenses to issue and use the IECEx Conformity Mark
- Ex OD 023 - Terms and Conditions for use of the IECEx Conformity Mark
The application form can be downloaded here. Send your application to
A blank IECEx Conformity Mark license can be downloaded here.