PRESTATION : Certification
SIL Certification in functional safety

Ineris has a long-term expertise in assessing functional safety for electrical, electronic and programmable electronic safety devices (SIL). This expertise has been built up for more than twenty years from the beginning of nineties based on primarily
- In the frame of EU Machinery Directive, Ineris led as coordinator the EU funded 4th FP 1994-1998 STARCES Research Program devoted to intercomparison on Safety Integrity Level assessment for safety components according to IEC 61508, IEC 62061 and EN 954 standards,
- Ineris had developed in 2007 a voluntary certification scheme - SIL Ineris - for designers and manufacturers of electrical, electronic, or programmable electronic safety systems which are intended to perform safety functions
- Ineris certifies safety instrumented functions of General Electric gas turbines in accordance with international standards of functional safety. Since 2009, three gas turbines in Australia have been certified and five projects throughout the world are undergoing certification, including power plants incorporating a gas turbine linked to a generator and a steam turbine supplied by ALSTOM.
SIL Ineris –Certification Scheme
SIL Ineris is a voluntary certification based on IEC 61508 and IEC 61511 standards that covers the safety life-cycle, from hazard evaluation to safety function performance.
The requirements deal with organisational, documentary, hardware and software aspects.
Certification process
- Ineris validates the request to ensure applicability. A preliminary stage could be considered in order to define which level is attainable for the considered equipment.
- Ineris ensures that the Company organisation is conformed to the IEC 61508/61511 standards requirements. If this evaluation is positive, Ineris delivers a development method agreement to standard requirements for all instrumented systems designed by the Company.
- For a specific features, Ineris evaluates characteristics - architecture, reliability, dangerous probabilities to ensure that the product is complying with the target SIL level and at the end, Ineris is able to issue the certificate.