Inter-Laboratory Comparison (ILC)

For more than 20 years Ineris has been organising interlaboratory comparisons in various kinds of matrices, in particular in the area of AIR.
Ineris is accredited for the organisation of inter-laboratory comparisons (accreditation No. 1-2291 - scope available on and communicated on request), for laboratories, in charge of environnemental control, through physical and chemical analyses.
Ineris is accredited for the organisation of inter-laboratory comparisons (accreditation No. 1-2291 - scope available on and communicated on request), for laboratories, in charge of environnemental control, through physical and chemical analyses.
Our solutions
Stack emissions proficiency testing scheme
In the field of stationary-sources emissions, Ineris organises Inter-Laboratory Comparisons (ILC) on a test bench and analytical proficiency testings (PT).
Indoor Air and Workplace Air Proficiency testing scheme
Ineris organizes an annual Inter-Laboratory Comparison (ILC) in the field of Workplace atmospheres analysis.